SFCC 2021
SFCC 2021 – The Beginning
In today’s blog we talk about Simbalian’s SFCC 2021, the what, how and why about SFCC and also give an update on its present status.
Back in 2018, Simbalian Cycling Community was founded by Mr. Jignesh Patel (lovingly known as Jiggy bhai) in an attempt to promote cycling. Over the years, we have organized various cycling activities/events like Simbalian Cycling Jatra (SCJ), Explore Incredible India (EII), Swastyagrah, Simbalian Winter Cycling Challenge (SWCC) etc. More about these events in another blog as today we focus on SFCC 2021 …. Simbalian Fights Corona Challenge.
When going gets tough,
Simbalians get tougher
The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted lives on all spheres and everyone is fighting it in their own way. To show a united front against the pandemic, we conceptualised SFCC. An event where the focus is on solo rides. Like most cycling events, points are to be earned based on distance and speed. In addition to that, SFCC awards additional points for solo rides and non-stop rides.
The above points in itself make for a competitive and challenging event but at Simbalian, we always have some added twists. The 160+ participating riders are divided across 8 teams with each team led by a captain. This makes for an 8-sided battle for the most points but also encourages riders to stretch their boundaries and come as top riders.
By now, you would realise that SFCC already has all the ingredients for a fantastic challenge but if we stopped here, then we would have ignored one of Simbalian core motto. GET INSPIRED, BE THE INSPIRATION. As a result, each of the 8 teams are assigned one mentor. The mentor plays multiple hats of inspiring riders, guiding the captain and also acts as a link between the teams and the event organizers. All in all, Simbalian comes together as a family.
Before we take you through the details of the SFCC and progress so far, a quick shoutout to Hardik Chopra (IG: cyclewithbrothers). The article has been conceptualised, planned and written by Hardik who has been a Simbalian member since August 2020.
As we mentioned earlier, the SFCC has 8 teams and each is led by a captain. These are

The event started on 11th April and after 10 days of super-participation, it was put ON-HOLD as a response to rising corona virus cases in Ahmedabad (where majority of riders reside). Though, in just 10 days there was a close competition with leading team changing multiple times Below is a quick snapshot on how the 8 teams have accumulated kms over the first 10 days.
SFCC had started with a lot of support and participation from the Simbalian community. It was disheartening to put it on-hold but was needed. BUT there is light at the end of tunnel and SFCC is resuming again on 23rd May 2021. So, best of luck to all the participating riders. Keep an eye on this blog as we will update this at the end of the event with remaining coverage.